Bullying is never okay. It can be difficult to understand what it is unless you’ve experienced or witnessed it. Here are some helpful definitions: 
Bullying is offensive, intimidating or malicious behaviour that makes you feel vulnerable, upset, humiliated, undermined or threatened.  
Bullying can be perpetrated by a peer (for example, a course colleague or flatmate) or by someone in a position of seniority (a teacher or another member of staff). 
It can be in physical, verbal or non-verbal. Bullying can occur in person or online.  
It can include: 
  • shouting at, being sarcastic towards, ridiculing or demeaning others 
  • physical or psychological threats 
  • overbearing and intimidating levels of supervision 
  • inappropriate and/or derogatory remarks about someone's performance 
  • deliberately excluding someone 
  • abuse of authority or power (by someone in a position of seniority) 
Some people may try to dismiss or excuse the above behaviour as banter. Please do not dismiss any behaviour that is affecting your wellbeing - please seek support. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened