Stalking is persistent and unwanted attention that makes you feel scared, distressed or threatened. 
Stalking can happen to anyone and be perpetrated by anyone – a stalker could be a former partner, an acquaintance or colleague. It could be a stranger. Sometimes the problem can build up slowly and it can take a while for you to identify an ongoing campaign of abuse. 
It may include: 

  • regularly following someone 
  • hanging around somewhere they know the person often visits 
  • interfering with their property 
  • watching or spying on someone 
  • repeatedly going uninvited to their home 
  • cyberstalking  
  • identity theft (signing-up to services or buying things in someone's name) 
Find out more 
More information and advice is available from the National Stalking Helpline.  

There are two ways you can tell us what happened